Coldwater Veneer is committed to promoting the principles of conservation and the intelligent use of our natural resources. Accordingly, we endorse the following principles:
- We care about our forests. Our commitment and challenge is to promote the practice of sustainable forestry to meet the environmental and human needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations.
- We recognize sustainable forestry certification can serve as confirmation of work already being accomplished toward improved forest management. An absence of certification does not, however, mean there is a lack of quality forest management.
- We applaud suppliers and landowners that practice and encourage sustainable forest management based on the concept of continuous improvement. We will not stock any species listed an a endangered wood.
- We recognize that were are a variety of different, credible sustainable forestry management systems and policies in place or in development throughout North America and the world. Because no single system or policy applies to all situations and some programs promote societal purposes far beyond forest sustainability or even the environment generally, we do not endorse or support any single approach. All of the following programs are worthy of consideration to the extent they all share the common goal of promoting forestry management techniques that encourage the long-term sustainability of the forests.
- We strongly endorse the implementation of an international framework of mutual recognition between credible and market-oriented sustainable forest management standards and certification systems.
- We recognize the importance of landowner outreach and education and logger training in achieving a broad commitment to wise forest use and sustainable forestry.
- We will educate our employees and customers in the wood products community about environmental and forestry issues and about our own initiatives and policies.
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.